Echo Arts was formed in Bury St Edmunds in 2014 by a small group of artists introduced to each other through the social media platform Streetlife. The group is an eclectic mix of painters, printmakers, textile and mixed media artists.
Through regular meetings in each other’s workshops and studios a supportive environment quickly became an important aspect of the group’s success. Sharing skills, encouraging ideas and individual development led to joint exhibitions in Bury St Edmunds, Cambridge and Norwich.
Echo Arts are delighted to be able to exhibit here at ARTSPACE Woodbridge and share their practice and processes.
Exhibitors for this exhibition are Evelyn Polk, Catherine Smith, Shirley Dixon, Jacqueline Sugden and Gail Loftus.
Exhibition runs from March 5th- March 11th 10am - 5pm
All welcome to meet the artists Sat 7th March 1pm - 5pm EchoArtsSuffolk
Instagram echoartsbse