12 nests by graham crowley
FEED Art Exhibition
In support of The Gill Crabb Foundation
Sponsored by Fanny & Frank
Curated by Graham Crowley
Artists exhibiting;
Tina Balmer tinabalmer.co.uk
Sally Bamber. sallybamber.com
Caro Burberry caroburberry.com
Graham Crowley grahamcrowley.co.uk
Dale Devereux Barker daledevereuxbarker.co.uk
Tina Balmer. A Graduate of St Martins School of Art, my painting is both inspired by, and a celebration of, the domestic and ordinary. Everyday objects representing the rituals of daily life such as vases, jugs, tea pots and flowers often from loved people, arranged on a table top creating patterns underpinned by a sense of design. Paint is used in a relaxed way; I’m not concerned with getting an absolute likeness but with something else.
For this exhibition ‘FEED,’ I started with the idea of food and feeding the body; eating, sharing, friends, family, community, those brief moments radiating the joy and warmth of connection. I then expanded the theme to include feeding the soul.
Sally Bamber. ‘ I have lived in Cumbria for 15 years. I paint flowers in watercolour, I enjoy watching them as they appear and grow, blossom and flower, and gently fade and fall to feed the ground through winter. I paint portraits in oil and the occasional still life. I love charcoal. I tutor a few workshops each year either at Brantwood or with Cumbria University, the last workshop I tutored was in our local prison.’
Caro Burberry. It was the fields and woodlands of rural Buckinghamshire and Suffolk that provided Caro Burberry with a deep and enduring connection to nature.
A lifelong artist with a strong background in printmaking and drawing, she received a classical training at The Frink School of Figurative Sculpture.
“I have a hand in all processes from sketch to sculpture whether the artwork is small, life-size or beyond. The scale of my work is dictated by theme, unfolding ideas and where I am in the world.” Caro was Elected a Member of the Royal Society of Sculptors in 2012 and a Worcestershire Ambassador for the Arts in 2013.’
Graham Crowley. FRCA MA(RCA) DipAD Biog Painter, writer, academic and curator born 1950.Educated, St Martin's School of Art 1968/72 and Royal College of Art 1972/75. Visiting Artist, Oxford University and Fellow St Edmund Hall 1982/83. Artist in Residence and Senior Fellow Cardiff College of Art 1986 – 1989.
Widely exhibited; solo shows in New York and London and Ireland. Writings extensively published. Group exhibitions/work in public and private collections in USA, Mexico, New Zealand, Poland and India. Work in public collections in the UK.
Visiting tutor Goldsmiths' College, Royal College of Art, The Slade, Penn State University, and Nova Scotia College of Art, University of Canterbury (New Zealand) and many others in UK and Ireland. Most recently Professor of Painting Royal College of Art 1998 - 2006. Currently living and working in Suffolk.
Dale Devereux Barker is a printmaker specialising in reduction linocuts and screen-prints, combining a celebration of colour and form with warmly engaging subject matter. The events of everyday life are transformed into colourful images loaded with humour and feeling. Objects about the home, mealtimes, figures in interiors or engaged in daily activity all take on a new life through his very personal imagery. Dale studied at Loughborough, Leicester, and at the Slade School of Art and has gone on to lecture in printmaking and creative practice. He was elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers in 1996 and has exhibited widely throughout Britain, in London, and abroad. He now lives and works in Suffolk.’
The Gill Crabb Foundation has been set up in honour of Gill who died suddenly at the age of 51. Gill had a passion for good nutrition and specifically wanted to help under-privileged children learn the importance of healthy living and home cooking. Gill’s Foundation has teamed up with ‘Let’s Get Cooking’ to sponsor and run cooking clubs across the country, 50 of which will exist by 2023.