James Hutch - Artist
‘HUNG, DRAWN AND PAINTED BY HUTCH; sounds tortuous! It's anything but. The exhibition title is a play on words and when rearranged to read Drawn, Painted and Hung it simply describes the process of making paintings and putting them on a wall to be seen.’
This is a body of work in which competing factions, line and colour, fight it out for dominance… and yet the show offers not win-lose disasters but multiple win-win scenarios. Line throws the first punch but does colour have the last word? For colour to be fully expressed and liberated does it really require limitlessness and the absence of boundaries. Does it need line to be completely obliterated? For line to feel validated does it need to control completely? Can line not share our attention with colour?
Of course, colour and line are conduits here. Their nature and their parry are allegorical. This is a show about mutual success rather than individual triumph.
insta; @byhutchart
Knowledge & Nature No. 2 - detail by Hutch