Harmony in Nature by Patrick Elder
The Memory Tree by Val Armstrong
Harbour by Colin Slee
Valerie Armstrong, Patrick Elder and Colin Slee,
exhibiting together for the first time, are pleased to present their exhibition
Valerie Armstrong
Valerie works intuitively, building up layers of information in paint, glaze and mixed media. Her present work is strongly informed by a past career as an art therapist as she explores the stories within dreams and memories for her subject matter.
“My paintings begin with spontaneous play or experimentation using mark making, collage and textures; as the painting begins to reveal itself, the layering process becomes like a dance. Gradually the history below is revealed as a mysterious suggestion of what might be, or what might have been. Finally, as the process nears completion, the pace slows, colours become more refined, and marks become more thoughtful.
With music as my muse, I allow the subconscious to direct, and visual stories to emerge; sometimes surprisingly, always truthfully”.
Patrick Elder
In searching for peace and contentment in his life Patrick Elder came across Vipassana Meditation in 1989. Over the years of practising this profound technique it became apparent that a great beneficial change had come about, not only in his daily life but also in his sculpture. In integrating the technique into his life, it was to become the basis for all his work. Freeing up the mind allows a natural flow of creativity to occur. A natural result of this process is a sense of peace and harmony, which he tries to instil in his work
"When you have a quiet mind, you are able to release yourself from pre-conceived ideas. This allows a real clarity and stillness within and enables the work to develop.”
Colin Slee
Colin’s creative aim is to create an expressive response to the environment - the ever-changing effects of the elements on water, skies, forests and the countryside which inspire him to portray an atmospheric and emotional sense of place. He states that he is not an artist who can return to the same subject or format again and again so he needs the stimulation of change in order to continue to evolve and explore new possibilities.
“From within my consciousness a process of change and emergence occurs and I experience a huge sense of exhilaration when a piece starts to resolve itself.
Exhibiting is an integral part of this whole process - the ultimate accolade”.